Do you seem to have it all but still feel like you are drowning day after day?

I help women who feel like they are sinking from the pressures of their daily lives transform into enjoying every aspect of their lives without the guilt that comes from making themselves a priority.

Replace overwhelm and resentment with joy & intentional self-care

See yourself as the woman you’ve always aspired to be

Find balance in your career, relationships, and hobbies

Let’s be honest

You thought everything would settle down after you wrapped up your latest work project.

But, instead, you find yourself saying AGAIN, “Once things settle down” or “If I just make it past …” week after week, and now weeks have turned into years. You have been running at a pace that you know is not sustainable, but you don’t even know how to regain control of the life you worked so hard to get.

You feel guilty because you have stopped taking care of yourself.

You resent the job you always wanted because you are the go-to person for everything.

You take care of everyone around you and do nothing for yourself.

Your life feels dull and boring, and there is no time for joy.

The truth is …

Having a successful career doesn’t have to run your life.

It’s possible to have everything you have now but to be thriving in all areas of your life.

Imagine no longer feeling resentful at work because your work life no longer takes over your personal life. You listen to your inner voice and prioritize your needs.

Picture yourself spending time with friends and family without feeling guilty or checking your email every chance you get.

Imagine your days filled with eating well, moving your body, having time to relax, and still crushing it at work.

I understand how the passion you once had for your career transformed into sacrificing your time, family, and friends

Then, the sacrifice turns into resentment because it feels like your life is no longer yours.

Like you, I was resentful for being someone my work could count on. I even dreaded plans with my family and friends because I had nothing left to give.

My friends and family are so important to me, but I was never really present when I spent time with them.

One day, I looked in the mirror and realized the weight I had gained from hustling for success had cost me my well-being. I felt guilty for "letting myself go." I was on the brink of burnout. I needed to learn how to be there for the things that mattered in my life.

I learned to live intentionally without having to do something radical or lose the people I love most.

How to Get Started

01. Pick a date

Let’s have a conversation to pinpoint why you are overwhelmed and determine which actions will help you take back your life. Let’s see if the coaching I offer can support you.

02. Let’s Work Together

Learn how to replace overwhelm and resentment with joy and intentional self-care. I’ll teach you how to stop drowning and learn how to love your life again.

03. Love Your Life Again

Fall back in love with the career you worked so hard to build. Learn to live and love your life again. Feel ready to take on each and every day because you know your needs will be attended to.

Don’t take my words for it, here’s what my previous clients say

  • “Working with Eileen has been truly life changing.Once Eileen and I started chatting weekly, things really started to change for me. Eileen's style is encouraging, empathetic, curious and fun. I looked forward to every call and learnt so much about myself. With Eileen's help, I have completely changed my relationship with myself. I understand my worth and the need to put myself first. I understand the importance of self care, setting boundaries, developing hobbies and naming my emotions. I learned so much from Eileen and my life is completely different.”

    Director, Non-Profit

  • “To say that Eileen is a phenomenal coach is an understatement. She provides tremendous insight and advice and manages to deliver it in such a way that I always felt encouraged and optimistic.”


  • “You had this amazing way of summarising my confusing rambles into a simple sentence that helped me go away and think and journal through the things that those moments unlocked. You did this without judgment and always came from a place of compassion and understanding. I felt seen and encouraged.

    I felt like you went above and beyond in helping me heal, you were amazing at holding space for me, coaching me into a place of greater confidence in being my authentic self.”


  • “My life has been forever changed and I am so thankful that I put myself first and have learned life long habits that will be passed on to my family. A big thank you to Eileen for her amazing coaching. Her understanding of what challenges I have faced throughout my life and the mental roadblocks I needed to overcome were instrumental in my success..”

    Registered Nurse

  • “I am eternally grateful to Eileen for her patience, guidance and support. She was empowering during the set backs, was my biggest cheerleader during the good times, and strategized with me throughout to help tackle every hurdle in between.”

    Project Manager

I’ve Got You

Work with me to regain control of your life and find the balance you are so desperately looking for. You can enjoy your work and still be amazing even if you take time for yourself.